Winter Wall Project - Student Gallery
The idea of this project is to get creative and produce artworks around this wonderfully filled season of imagery. Winter has so much to offer visually, from a snowy landscape, to winters sunshine, to the patterns created on frosted glass. Evergreen conifers such as the fir tree, contrasting with the warm reds of frosty covered Rosehips or even the Pointsettia.
Birds might be your interest, why not paint a Chaffinch with its orange-pink feathers, or even the Goldfinch. You might just want to paint a Robin, with its big black eyes and orange-red breast, surely the epitome of all winter birds, and a symbol for Christmas and all things festive.
Your source material could be from photographs, images from books, magazines, or the internet. You might like to work from a still life set up, such as a winter plant like Honesty, or Misteltoe. There maybe a suitable composition in the very room that you find yourself in, just waiting to be explored.
What a wonderful opportunity to practice your drawing skills. When you are drawing out your chosen subject in line (linear drawing), think about the composition, proportion and the form. Modelling the form can be represented using both line and tone (shading).
Think about various drawing media as well as techniques. You can create such a variety of effects with watercolour pencils, from hatching to cross-hatching, from blending to layering. Try line and wash with these most versatile of pencils. First use a pen to outline your drawing, then colour it in with dry pencils, finally add a wash of clean water. Why not try drawing media, such as pen and inks, charcoal and chalks, soft pastels or hard pastels.
What a wonderful opportunity to practice your painting skills. Think about your choice of colours before starting to paint a subject. Try using just three colours, red, yellow and blue (primary colours). Mix any two of these together to create a secondary colour, such as green, orange, purple. Not only will you learn how to colour mix, your finished result will be more harmonious. Of course you can not mix all colours from the primaries, so you may have to add another colour to your palette from time to time. Why not try Alizarin Crimson or Cobalt Blue, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber or Burnt Sienna.
When painting try out various techniques from wet-in-wet, dry brush, lifting out, spattering, to sponge painting. There are no rules to say that you have to restrict yourself to a single medium. Watercolour goes well with gouache, as does pastel, adding texture and surface interest. Try mixing different drawing media with your paint. Try brush drawing, building up layers, scraping back, creating patterns, and textures.
Artists you may like to look at for inspiration and ideas; Ann Blockley, Graham Booth, Jenny Grevatte, Kurt Jackson, Tracy Levine, Ferdinand Petrie.
Submitting your artworks into the Student Gallery is easier than you might think.
Scroll upwards below any picture in Student Gallery, put your details in, click on Choose File button, take photo of your artwork with the device your using, click on Submit your artwork- DONE !